Joystick Magazine 7
Joystick Magazine 07.iso
Xconq 7.0.1
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Text File
754 lines
(game-module "postmodern"
(blurb "An elaborated version of the standard game")
(world-seen false)
(see-all false)
; possibly radar should get no moves - you have to embark it explicitly ?
; but then you can't disembark it.
;(game-module (title "of surviving city-states struggling for control of the apocalypse's ruins..."))
(unit-type i (name "infantry") (char "i")
(help "marches around and captures things"))
(unit-type a (name "armor") (char "a")
(help "faster than infantry, limited to open terrain"))
(unit-type S (name "Special Forces") (char "S")
(help "special infiltration units"))
(unit-type r (name "radar") (char "r")
(help "small device that sees far"))
(unit-type A (name "airlifter") (char "A")
(help "big cargo plane, for moving supplies and troops"))
(unit-type f (name "fighter") (char "f")
(help "interceptor to get those nasty Aircraft"))
(unit-type b (name "bomber") (char "b")
(help "long range aircraft, carries infantry and bombs"))
(unit-type d (name "destroyer") (char "d")
(help "fast, cheap, and sinks subs"))
(unit-type s (name "submarine") (char "s")
(help "sneaks around and sinks ships"))
(unit-type m (name "sea mines") (char "m")
(help "sea mine, floats around, sinks shps"))
(unit-type t (name "transport ship") (char "t")
(help "carries units and supplies across the water"))
(unit-type j (name "jeep") (char "j")
(help "trucks and jeeps for moving infantry and supplies"))
(unit-type X (name "mech infantry") (char "X")
(help "infantry in powered armor and AFVs"))
(unit-type C (name "carrier") (char "C")
(help "carries aircraft around"))
(unit-type z (name "spy plane") (char "z")
(help "fast, hard to see spy craft"))
(unit-type B (name "battleship") (char "B")
(help "the most powerful ship"))
(unit-type G (name "missile") (char "G")
(help "powerful explosive, Very accurate"))
(unit-type N (name "atomic") (char "N")
(help "nuclear fuel unit, or nuclear bomb"))
(unit-type e (name "engineers") (char "e")
(help "produces things, fights sieges"))
(unit-type O (name "bolo") (char "O")
(help "huge CyberTank - a veritable land battleship"))
(unit-type L (name "land fortifications") (char "L")
(help "Hold those enemies at bay!"))
(unit-type & (name "bridge") (char "&")
(help "serves as something units can walk over"))
(unit-type / (name "base") (char "/")
(help "airstrip plus port"))
(unit-type V (name "village") (char "V")
(help "small town"))
(unit-type * (name "town") (char "*")
(help "smaller than a city"))
(unit-type @ (name "city") (char "@")
(help "capital of a side"))
(material-type fuel (help "basic motive power"))
(material-type ammo (help "generic hitting capability"))
(material-type people (help "population, used to stock cities, operate units"))
(terrain-type sea (char ".") (color "sky blue"))
(terrain-type shallows (char ",") (color "cyan"))
(terrain-type swamp (char "=") (color "yellowgreen"))
(terrain-type desert (char "~") (color "yellow"))
(terrain-type plains (char "+") (color "green"))
(terrain-type forest (char "%") (color "forest green"))
(terrain-type mountains (char "^") (color "sienna"))
(terrain-type ice (char "_") (color "white"))
(terrain-type vacuum (char ":") (color "black"))
(add i image-name "man")
(add a image-name "tank")
(add S image-name "elite")
(add r image-name "radar")
(add A image-name "airlift")
(add f image-name "jets")
(add b image-name "bomber")
(add d image-name "small-ship")
(add s image-name "sub")
(add m image-name "fortress") ; hey, that icon makes a good mine!
(add t image-name "cargo-ship")
(add j image-name "jeep")
(add X image-name "mech")
(add C image-name "carrier")
(add z image-name "spysat")
(add B image-name "battleship")
;"engineer" e icon-name
(add e image-name "tractor")
(add G image-name "missile")
(add N image-name "bomb")
(add O image-name "ogre")
(add L image-name "walltown")
(add & image-name "bridge")
(add / image-name "airbase")
(add V image-name "village")
(add * image-name "town20")
(add @ image-name "city20")
(define bases ( L & / V * @ ))
(define cities ( V * @ ))
(define makers ( V * @ ))
(define ground ( i a e S j X O ))
(define aircraft ( A f b G z ))
(define ships ( d s m t C B ))
(define movers ( i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O ))
(define water ( sea shallows ))
(define land ( plains forest desert mountains ))
;;; Static relationships.
;; Unit-unit.
(table unit-capacity-x
(u* r 1) ; all units can have radar
(( S z ) r 0) ; radar gives away their position - they use passive
(f G 4)
(d ( m G ) ( 8 2 ))
(X ( G N ) ( 20 1 ))
(G N 1)
(add u* capacity 0)
(add i capacity 1)
(add a capacity 1)
(add S capacity 1)
(add A capacity 4)
(add b capacity 2)
(add s capacity 2)
(add t capacity 6)
(add j capacity 3)
(add C capacity 8)
(add B capacity 1)
(add O capacity 1)
; L & / V * @ "bases"
(add bases capacity ( 3 2 8 12 24 48 ))
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* u* 99)
(ground bases 1)
; d s m t C B "ships"
(ships bases ( 4 4 1 5 6 6 )) ; ships are BIG!
; A f b G z "aircraft"
(aircraft bases ( 2 1 2 1 1 ))
(table occupant-max add (i ( N G ) ( 1 2 )))
;FIXME capacity is N, upper limit on total occupants by size
(table occupant-max add (a ( N G ) ( 1 2 )))
(table occupant-max add (a ( i S ) 1)) ; small groups of troops can ride on armor!
(table occupant-max add (S ( N G ) ( 1 2 )))
(table occupant-max add (A ( i a S j X m O e ) ( 2 1 2 3 1 10 1 1 ))) ; heavy airlifter indeed
(table occupant-max add (b ( i S m j N r G ) ( 1 1 6 1 2 1 4 )))
(table occupant-max add (s ( S N G ) ( 1 2 4 )))
(table occupant-max add (t ( i a S j X m O G e ) ( 6 3 8 8 3 12 1 6 2 )))
(table occupant-max add (j ( i S X G e ) ( 3 3 2 3 1 )))
(table occupant-max add (C ( f b m z G N ) ( 10 3 6 2 10 2 )))
(table occupant-max add (B ( i S m G N ) 8))
(table occupant-max add (G N 3))
(table occupant-max add (O ( G N ) ( 6 3 )))
(table occupant-max add (bases u* 40))
(table occupant-max add (bases bases 0))
;; Unit-terrain.
(add t* capacity 16)
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(u* t* 1)
(( * @ ) t* 12)
;; Unit-material.
(table unit-storage-x
; L & / V * @ "bases"
(bases fuel ( 100 50 100 300 500 500 ))
(bases ammo ( 70 10 50 80 100 200 ))
(bases people ( 2 1 20 200 400 999 ))
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O "movers"
(movers fuel ( 6 10 20 2 40 18 36 99 99 5 99 50 30 400 48 200 20 10 30 180 ))
(movers ammo ( 6 10 20 2 40 18 36 99 99 2 99 50 30 400 48 200 20 10 30 80 ))
(movers people ( 3 1 1 0 2 0 5 4 1 0 20 10 1 8 0 9 0 0 30 0 ))
;;; Vision.
;FIXME visibility is U T -> N, U's % visibility in T
(table visibility add (( S m s z ) t* 0))
(table visibility add (( G N ) t* 10))
(add ( V * @ ) see-always 1)
;(add u* vision-at 1)
;(add aircraft vision-at 2)
;(add @ vision-at 3)
;(add * vision-at 2)
;(add r vision-at 6)
;(add z vision-at 4)
;(add m vision-at 0)
;(add ( C B ) vision-at 3)
;FIXME vision-at is N, coverage afforded by unit in its own hex
;(add ( s z @ * C B ) vision-at-max-range 200)
;FIXME vision-at-max-range is N, coverage afforded by unit at max range
(add ( s z @ * C B ) vision-range 50)
; small forces hidden by rough terrain
;FIXME conceal is now visibility, you should subtr these numbers from that table
;FIXME 60 forest ( i X j ) conceal
;FIXME 70 swamp ( i X j ) conceal
;FIXME 50 mountains ( i X j ) conceal
;;; Actions.
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O "movers"
(add movers acp-per-turn ( 1 2 2 1 5 9 6 3 3 1 3 3 2 4 12 4 10 2 1 3 ))
(add cities acp-per-turn 1)
;;; Movement.
(add ( r m ) speed 0)
(add cities speed 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(u* t* 99)
(ships water 1) ; sea is pretty straightforward...
(( s C B ) shallows (2 3 3)) ; big ships don' like shallows
(ground water 99)
(( X O ) shallows 3)
(aircraft t* 1) ; Aircraft ignore most terrain
(u* vacuum 99) ; nothing here can stand vacuum
(G vacuum 1) ; well, missiles can...
(bases t* 1) ; bases can go anywhere
; movement on terrain...
(ships land 99) ; most ships can't go on land too!
(( d t m ) swamp 3) ; but swamps are shallow enough for small ones
; ground units and land terrain:
;Ice... is special.. It's often water covered with ice.
(ships ice 99)
(s ice 1) ; subs can go under ice
; ground units ant how they handle terrain:
; i a e S j X O "ground"
(ground swamp (1 99 1 1 3 2 3)) ; most ground units don't like swamp
(ground desert (1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
(ground plains (1 1 1 1 1 1 1)) ; plains= big highway
(ground forest (1 2 1 1 2 1 1)) ;Vehicles must navigate/crush way
(ground mountains (1 99 1 2 99 2 3)) ; most ground units don't like ice
(ground ice (99 99 1 2 3 2 2)) ; most ground units don't like ice
;Other special moves:
;-1 t* r moves ; radar can only operate as a passenger
(r t* 2) ; radar techs can take radar anywhere
(r water 1) ; except on water...
(e t* 2) ;engineers can go anywhere... but vacuum
(cities land 1) ; looks strange, but needed to define allowable places
(table consumption-per-move add (movers fuel 1)) ; all units take 1 fuel to move
(table consumption-per-move add (( C B O ) fuel 2)) ; big units take more fuel
;100 u* A alter-mobility
;(table mp-per-occupant add (G N 90))
(table mp-to-enter-unit add (aircraft u* 20)) ; aircraft can't sortie again until next turn
(table mp-to-enter-unit add (bases ships 1))
(table mp-to-leave-unit add (bases ships 1))
;FIXME ferry-on-entry is U1 U2 -> FTYPE how much terrain U2 crosses to board U1
(table ferry-on-entry add (u* u* over-all)) ; lets everything attack everywhere
(table ferry-on-entry add (m u* over-all)) ; mines can't attack across terrain
(table ferry-on-entry add (bases i over-all)) ; infantry can capture cities even on water.
;;; Construction.
; big cities produce a tad faster, especially high tech stuff
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O "movers"
(add movers cp ( 5 9 12 9 13 12 15 13 14 4 11 7 16 45 27 60 7 30 14 45 ))
(add bases cp ( 4 1 10 15 30 45 ))
(table acp-to-create
(i L 1)
(ground / 1)
(O / 0)
(e bases 1)
(makers movers 1)
(V O 0)
(table cp-on-creation
(i L 1)
; i a e S j X O "ground"
(ground / ( 7 5 8 1 7 8 0))
(e bases 1)
(makers movers 1)
(V O 0)
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O "movers"
(* movers ( 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 3 3 2 2 3 5 16 10 21 2 1 3 1 ))
(@ movers ( 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 4 4 2 3 3 7 19 16 25 3 3 5 8 ))
(table acp-to-build
(i L 1)
(ground / 1)
(e bases 1)
(makers movers 1)
(V O 0)
(table cp-per-build
(i L 1)
(ground / 1)
; L & / V * @ "bases"
(e bases ( 2 1 3 1 1 1 ))
(makers movers 1)
(V O 0)
((* @) N 2)
#| ; leave this out for the moment
(table material-to-build
(movers people ( 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 ))
; people needed to operate units...
(L ( ammo fuel people ) ( 3 3 1 )) ; fortification needs stockpiles!
(bases people ( 0 0 0 200 400 800 )) ; bases need to be populated
(add u* acp-to-toolup 1)
(table tp-per-toolup (u* u* 1))
(table tp-to-build
(u* u* 0)
;; on the average, add about 20% build time for toolup
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O "movers"
(V movers ( 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 9 5 12 1 6 3 9 ))
(* movers ( 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 9 5 12 1 6 3 9 ))
(@ movers ( 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 9 5 12 1 6 3 9 ))
; does all prod time calcs using integer arith.
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O
;FIXME this is handled by tech level and research now...
;FIXME ( 50 100 160 400 100 120 100 60 88 50 58 50 80 12 100 5 360 375 192 60 ) movers research
; template for research-contrib...
; it is % of research on first unit(vector) that counts toward unit.
;() () r research-contrib
;FIXME ( 234 434 284 ) A ( f b z ) research-contrib
;FIXME ( 388 634 ) ( b r ) G research-contrib
;FIXME ( 300 50 100 80 ) ( a X B N ) O research-contrib
;FIXME ( 100 80 ) ( i X ) S research-contrib
;FIXME 60 z r research-contrib
;FIXME ( 60 120 50 50 ) ( f b z G ) A research-contrib
;FIXME ( 50 90 90 100 ) ( A b z G ) f research-contrib
;FIXME ( 80 90 60 30 ) ( A f z G ) b research-contrib
;FIXME ( 20 90 70 90 ) ( A f b G ) z research-contrib
;FIXME ( 40 40 60 50 50 ) ( s m t C B ) d research-contrib
;FIXME ( 40 40 10 20 20 ) ( s d t C B ) m research-contrib
;FIXME ( 20 50 20 60 60 ) ( s d m C B ) t research-contrib
;FIXME ( 50 10 40 60 10 80 40 ) ( f s d t m B N ) C research-contrib
;FIXME ( 60 10 80 50 60 10 40 ) ( O s d t C m N ) B research-contrib
;FIXME ( 50 80 ) ( i a ) j research-contrib
;FIXME ( 100 80 90 ) ( i a S ) X research-contrib
;FIXME ( 60 80 60 20 40 40 ) ( b m G O C B ) N research-contrib
;FIXME ( 80 10 ) ( i X ) e research-contrib
; no special materials to make
(table supply-on-completion (bases m* 100)) ; we don't start with any materials
;;; Repair.
;FIXME hp-per-repair is U1 U2 -> .01HP that U1 restores to U2 per repair action
; ...and you have to add...
; acp-to-repair is U1 U2 -> ACP to do one repair action
(table acp-to-repair add (( / V * @ ) u* 1))
(table acp-to-repair add (( L & e ) u* 1))
(table acp-to-repair add (( C B O ) ( C B O ) 1))
(table acp-to-repair add (i bases 1))
(table acp-to-repair add (e u* 1))
(table acp-to-repair add (i ( L & / V ) 1))
(table hp-per-repair add (( / V * @ ) u* 100))
(table hp-per-repair add (( L & e ) u* 50))
(table hp-per-repair add (( C B O ) ( C B O ) 12))
(table hp-per-repair add (i bases 20))
(table hp-per-repair add (e u* 100))
(table hp-per-repair add (i ( L & / V ) ( 100 50 100 25 )))
;;; Production.
;;; Combat.
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X C z B G N e O L & / V * @
(add u* hp-max ( 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 4 1 8 1 1 1 12 3 2 10 12 20 40 ))
;FIXME in addition you can set hp-to-repair and other things to cripple a unit
;(add u* hp-at-min-speed ( 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 1 2 6 8 10 20 ))
; crippled is < test, not <=
; split the matrix in half to reduce the number of entries per line
(define u1 ( i a S r A f b d s m t j X ))
(define u2 ( C z B G N e O L & / V * @ ))
(table hit-chance
; i a S r A f b d s m t j X "u1"
(i u1 ( 50 40 35 90 30 20 25 20 20 30 30 80 30 ))
(a u1 ( 60 50 50 85 35 25 25 25 25 25 35 85 45 ))
(S u1 ( 65 60 50 90 10 7 9 10 12 15 20 80 35 ))
(r u* 0) ; radar don't hit anything
(A u* 0) ; Transport plane isn't armed!
(f u1 ( 25 20 15 80 80 60 70 45 50 35 45 75 35 ))
(b u1 ( 20 30 15 80 30 10 9 55 50 35 60 70 40 ))
(d u1 ( 7 9 6 80 20 15 17 50 60 80 75 40 25 ))
(s u1 ( 9 10 7 80 30 10 10 50 50 60 75 20 6 ))
(m u* 0)
(m ships ( 40 50 80 70 75 75 ))
(t u1 ( 4 3 3 80 10 10 10 40 30 50 45 20 2 ))
(j u1 ( 1 0 5 80 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 ))
(X u1 ( 65 70 50 80 30 35 32 40 40 50 50 90 45 ))
(C u1 ( 30 20 15 80 60 50 55 40 40 30 55 30 15 ))
; z
(B u1 ( 50 50 45 80 55 40 45 65 60 40 70 80 40 ))
(G u* 150) ; missiles hit everything, modifiers ineffective
(N u* 200) ; nukes hit everything, modifiers ineffective
(e u1 ( 5 4 3 70 10 9 10 10 12 15 9 40 3 ))
(O u1 ( 80 70 65 90 60 40 35 60 80 40 60 90 60 ))
(L u1 ( 40 50 25 90 60 30 30 40 40 30 40 90 35 ))
(& u* 0) ; bridges aren't armed!
(/ u1 ( 10 10 15 80 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 50 7 ))
(V u1 ( 25 15 30 80 70 45 35 25 20 20 30 80 12 ))
(* u1 ( 30 20 35 80 85 50 40 40 20 20 45 80 20 ))
(@ u1 ( 50 40 55 80 95 70 60 50 20 20 55 80 30 ))
; second half of matrix
; C z B G N e O L & / V * @ "u2"
(X u2 ( 65 70 50 80 30 35 32 40 40 50 50 90 45 ))
(O u2 ( 80 20 65 90 60 60 45 80 85 80 70 65 60 ))
(i u2 ( 20 1 9 40 40 50 10 60 40 80 70 60 40 ))
(a u2 ( 20 1 20 50 50 60 30 40 50 90 80 70 50 ))
(S u2 ( 1 3 4 4 30 30 20 40 70 55 40 30 20 ))
(A u2 ( 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 1 10 5 10 25 30 ))
(f u2 ( 50 50 40 80 80 65 30 48 60 70 80 80 80 ))
(b u2 ( 70 10 60 50 50 20 40 70 60 90 90 90 94 ))
(d u2 ( 40 1 20 0 0 5 10 15 50 99 90 90 80 ))
(s u2 ( 40 1 50 0 0 0 10 0 6 0 0 0 0 ))
; m
(t u2 ( 30 1 9 0 0 20 8 4 30 0 0 0 0 ))
(j u2 ( 1 0 5 80 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 ))
; X
(C u2 ( 20 10 20 8 8 30 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(B u2 ( 50 10 90 0 0 50 40 70 89 99 99 99 99 ))
; G
; N
(e u2 ( 0 1 3 20 21 30 8 80 70 80 70 60 40 ))
(L u2 ( 20 5 9 40 40 50 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(/ u2 ( 20 20 20 0 0 10 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(V u2 ( 20 20 20 0 0 25 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(* u2 ( 20 30 20 0 0 30 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(@ u2 ( 20 40 50 0 0 50 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
;; Missiles and nukes never survive their attack.
(u* ( G N ) 100)
(table defend-terrain-effect
(i ( forest swamp mountains ) 90)
(table damage
(u* u* 1)
(a cities 2)
(a ( a X O ) 2)
(S bases 2)
(b ships 2)
(b s 1)
(b ( / V * ) 2)
(b @ 3)
(b ground 2)
(d s 2)
(( s m ) ships 3)
(B u* 2)
(O u* 3)
(O bases 4)
(B ( V * @ ) ( 3 3 4 ))
(G u* 4)
(G ( V * @ ) ( 5 5 6 ))
(N u* 60)
(X u* 2)
;FIXME true capturemoves
;FIXME true counterattack
(table acp-to-defend add (( G N m ) u* false))
(table capture-chance
(S ( A b s t j C B N ) ( 20 15 15 26 22 4 4 18 )) ; elite special missions
(i ( b t j C B ) ( 00 10 15 3 3 )) ; board and capture!
; L & / V * @ "bases"
(S bases ( 10 70 60 30 20 10 ))
(i bases ( 5 30 70 55 50 30 ))
(a bases ( 6 40 90 75 70 50 ))
(X bases ( 8 90 90 75 70 60 ))
(add ( G N m ) acp-to-detonate 1)
(table protection
(cities movers 50) ; cities offer some protection to occupants
(a cities 90) ; armor protect the cities housing them.
; can't make this too large or city can be
; invulnerable.
(i cities 95) ; same for infantry.
(a / 75)
(i / 85)
(L ( i a ) (75 90))
; ???
(table protection add (bases ground 99))
(table protection add (L ( e i A X O S ) 98))
;FIXME U1 U2 -> % that U2 withdraws before U1 attacks
(table withdraw-chance-per-attack add (u* ground 10))
(table withdraw-chance-per-attack add (u* O 0)) ; ogres don't retreat!
(table withdraw-chance-per-attack add (u* ships 5))
(table withdraw-chance-per-attack add (u* aircraft 25))
(table consumption-per-attack add (u* ammo 1))
(table hit-by (u* ammo 1))
;FIXME "destroys" ground destroy-message
;FIXME "sinks" ships destroy-message
;FIXME "shoots down" aircraft destroy-message
;FIXME "devastates" cities destroy-message
;100 u* max-quality ; what's the range of this?
;100 u* veteran ; what's the range of this?
;100 u* max-morale ; what's the range of this?
;FIXME true u* neutral ;everything can become neutral
;;; Other actions.
(add u* acp-to-change-side 1) ; equipment is indifferent to its fate
(add ( i a e X O S ) acp-to-change-side 0) ; but armies have some loyalty
; Should N, e change sides? (gives away research)
;FIXME true u* neutral
;FIXME false i neutral
(add movers acp-to-disband 1)
(add ( L & / V ) acp-to-disband 1)
(add movers hp-per-disband 99)
(add ( L & / V ) hp-per-disband 99)
;100 u* efficiency ; so you can reclaim materials used to make disbanded units
; (should calc from to-build etc)
;;; Backdrop economy.
(table base-production
(( i S m ) fuel ( 2 2 1 ))
(N fuel 20) ; nuclear plant powers things
(e ( fuel ammo ) ( 2 1 ))
; L & / V * @ "bases"
(bases fuel ( 4 1 10 15 20 50 ))
(bases ammo ( 0 1 5 8 10 20 ))
(bases people ( 0 0 0 2 4 8 ))
; terrain effects on material production
(table productivity
(u* t* 100) ;the default anyway!
(i ( sea desert mountains ice ) 0)
; (land sea 0)
; (land shallows 0)
(i shallows 50)
(a plains 100) ; in this case "plains" = "gas stations"
; plains/forest/desert/mountains
(L land ( 100 90 70 50 )) ; one arg must be a scalar...
(/ land ( 100 90 70 50 ))
(V land ( 100 90 70 50 ))
(* land ( 100 90 70 50 ))
(@ land ( 100 90 70 50 ))
(bases water 100) ; Cities in water have improved transport!
(m water 100)
(N t* 100) ; Nuke power is independant!
(cities t* 100)
(table base-consumption
(movers fuel 1) ; all consume 1 fuel, except...
(L ammo 2)
(( r m ) fuel 0) ; these just sit quietly
(i fuel 1)
(aircraft fuel 2) ; aircraft need lotsa fuel to stay aloft
; consume-as-occupant is strange. 1 means they don't consume!
(table consumption-as-occupant add (u* m* 1))
(table consumption-as-occupant add (( r X S C B O ) m* 0))
(table consumption-as-occupant add (aircraft m* 1))
(table consumption-as-occupant add (( a m j O N ) m* 1))
; inlength is how far away a unit can receive fuel from
; out-length is how far away a unit can deliver fuel. Should be kept
; small, as it can waste much CPU time
(table out-length
(u* m* 0)
(bases m* 4)
(bases people 2) ; they will look for nearby places to expand
; bases form good supply lines, so do transport units and big ships
(( A t j C B L & / V * @ ) fuel ( 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 ))
(( A t j C B L & / V * @ ) ammo ( 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 ))
(table in-length
(u* fuel 1) ; all units can be resupplied by adjacent units
(u* ammo 1)
(u* people -1) ; People don't really want to migrate in war
(bases people 4) ; except to cities, of course.
(e m* 2) ; They follow the engineers for jobs!
(aircraft fuel 0) ; no mid-air refueling yet. can't make it selective
(( L & / V * @ ) fuel ( 2 2 3 4 4 4 ))
(( L & / V * @ ) ammo ( 2 2 3 4 4 4 ))
;;; Random events.
; accidents
;FIXME surrender is U1 U2 -> .01N chance that U1 surrenders to U2
; and surrender-range is distance at which it can occur
;(table surrender-chance add (( V * @ ) u* ( 6 3 1 )))
;( 60 50 30 ) ( V * @ ) siege
;FIXME 190 bases siege ; They have too much supply needs to withstand siege for long
;FIXME attrition is U T -> .01HP (rate of loss, hp/turn)
(table attrition add (s ( sea shallows ice ) ( 1 5 8 ))) ; chance of attrition for the unit
(table attrition add (t ( sea shallows ice ) ( 1 5 8 ))) ; chance of attrition for the unit
;FIXME "disabled at sea" ( s t ) attrition-message
(table attrition add (( C B ) shallows 10))
;FIXME "runs aground" ( C B ) attrition-message
;FIXME accident is U T -> .01N chance that an accident happens to U
; and you can set accident-damage
(table accident-hit-chance add (( A f b ) mountains ( 9 4 5 ))) ; flyers running into mountains
;FIXME "Crashes in the mountains" ( A f b ) accident-message
(table accident-hit-chance add (( A f b ) mountains ( 9 4 5 ))) ; flyers running into mountains
;FIXME "Crashes in the mountains" ( A f b ) accident-message
(table accident-hit-chance add (m water 2)) ; mines disappearing at sea
;FIXME "Drifts away" m accident-message
(table attrition add (O shallows 10))
;FIXME "Gets stuck in mud" O attrition-message
;FIXME spy-chance is now on a per unit basis...
; and spy-range specifies how far a unit can spy
(add u* spy-chance false) ; we don't spontaneously see all the enemies
;FIXME spy-quality is U1 U2 -> % that U1 returns info about U2
(table spy-quality (u* u* false)) ; and we don't see any of them if we do!
;FIXME I guess nuked is damaged-terrain now, T1 T2 -> N
;FIXME t* t* nuked ; most terrain won't actually change
;FIXME desert ( plains forest ) nuked
;FIXME mountains ice nuked
;FIXME swamp shallows nuked
;;; Scoring.
(scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))
(add ( & / V * @ ) point-value ( 1 2 8 10 50 )) ; territory values for victory pts.
;;; Random setup.
(set synthesis-methods
'(make-fractal-percentile-terrain make-countries make-independent-units
make-initial-materials name-units-randomly))
; storm with alt:0-33 wet:50-100 seemed a bit too much
(add t* alt-percentile-min ( 0 68 69 70 70 70 93 99 0 ))
(add t* alt-percentile-max ( 68 69 71 93 93 93 99 100 0 ))
(add t* wet-percentile-min ( 0 0 50 0 20 80 0 0 0 ))
(add t* wet-percentile-max ( 100 100 100 20 80 100 100 100 0 ))
;FIXME this is broken into alt-blob-size, etc. etc.
;FIXME 60 alt-roughness ; 0-100 the higher this is, the more altitude roughness
;FIXME this is broken into wet-blob-size, etc. etc.
;FIXME 70 wet-roughness ; Similar to alt-roughness
(set edge-terrain ice)
(set country-radius-min 8) ; the radius of a 'country'
(set country-separation-min 10) ; the closest a country may be
(set country-separation-max 60) ; the furthest apart a country may be.
(add ( V * @ ) start-with ( 1 2 1 )) ; units player starts with
(table independent-density (( @ * V ) land ( 35 80 60 )))
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 0)
(( V * @ ) land 20)
(( V * @ ) plains 40)
(e t* 10) ; engineers can go anywhere!
(@ plains 100)
(add u* initial-seen-radius 7)
(include "nat-names")
(add cities namer "random-town-names")
(include "town-names")
; should add naming for C and B
;;; Documentation.
(game-module (instructions (
(game-module (notes (
(game-module (design-notes (
; Hand this to a Lisp system, use for calculations...
; (defun res (res prod)
; (setq res (- res (floor (* prod .2))))
; (ceiling (* (/ res (floor (* prod 1.2))) 100)))
; (defun restime (prod res) (floor (/ (* (floor (* prod 1.2)) (+ res 100)) 100)))